Running – January 10, 2014

Morning weight: 194.0

Time of day: 4pm

Weather: Sunny, 68%. A little wet – light rain earlier today.

Distance: 2 miles

Course: Sanford to Oakwood to Randol Mill to Bowen to Sanford

Time: 21:55

Rested 10 minutes in the house

Distance: 1.3 miles

Course: Sanford to Lillard to Division to Bowen to Sanford

Time: 15:04

Comments: Still feel various aches and pains for the first 3/4 mile, then start feeling a little better. Fairly warm today after wearing sweats the past two days. Planned on doing these two courses back to back, but on the uphill on Bowen I started to change my mind – was very difficult. Decided to stop, rest, and start again. The uphill on Bowen on the second course (from Division to Sanford) didn’t bother me as bad as normal. Felt ok on the second run considering I had already gone 2 miles. Didn’t run too fast. Legs are a little sore but no injuries so far.

Categorized as Running