Make Time for What Matters

A few years back I laid in bed awake at night with tears rolling down my face because it occurred to me that I probably would not see my mom another hundred times in my lifetime she has moved to Florida and I was only seeing her at most once or twice a year

The saddest song in my opinion is cats in the cradle where a dad never has time to spend with his son and misses out on a lot of things as he’s growing up the son ends up turning out just like his dad and he’s busy once he’s an adult and his dad has more time to spend with him.

I was in a sales meeting once with two long-time insurance agents in Fort Worth. They had a very successful agency, and I was educating them about a new program we had just introduced. In the middle of the presentation, one of them got up and said, “Gott go. Son has a soccer game.” He didn’t apologize, but he didn’t need to. He was prioritizing what was important to him.

Plan your fun time. What are you doing this weekend? I don’t know. Why not??? People look forward to the weekend all week, then they don’t do anything productive or fun and, before they know it, it’s Monday again.

Do you look forward to the weekend? I know I do. Flintstones theme song every Friday at 4:30pm.

If you only have time to go on vacation or spend time with family, not both, why not go on vacation with your family? Problem solved.

Use the weather in making your plans if a beautiful day is coming up plan a trip to the park playing a long run planned to go do something. You have to take advantage of those opportunities when you have them.

The important things in life – people you haven’t seen in a while or don’t spend enough time with.

Record the fun stuff so you’ll remember it: If you’re going to do something again and again, why not record it so you can keep track? For instance, if you play cards with the same people once a month, why not use the same book to keep score each time?

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