COVID’s Lasting Effects

One of the reasons COVID has been so tough on so many people is because our time is limited, and we feel that we lost two years to the pandemic. For children, that might have been two very important formative years. For older people, two years may have been a big percentage of the time they have left. In addition to the tremendous loss of life due to the pandemic, the loss of time is also tragic. But the fact is that we didn’t lose that time – we just spent it differently than we had hoped or anticipated. And it wasn’t all bad. If we can look past the damage done by COVID, we also realize that some good came out of it and that we can emerge from the pandemic better that we were before. It’s similar to the way that we rebuild downs after a flood or there’s new growth after a forest fire. So how has the world changed?

Sabbatical, skip year, walkabout

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