Anywhere, Anytime

In this book, we spend a lot of time talking about the goal of being able to work anywhere, anytime. Not only do we want to be financially free, where we have enough coming in automatically to cover our bills each month, we also want to be physically free, not tied to a particular location, and time free, where we can set our own schedule. I fully realize that if you swing a hammer for a living, or if you’re a first responder or a public servant, for example, this may not be possible, and portions of this book may not be applicable to you.

That said, COVID taught us that there are all sorts of things that can be done remotely, even if we didn’t realize it before. Teachers have figured out how to teach classes remotely. Doctors now conduct telehealth consults. Churches now broadcast into people’s homes. And millions have tuned in to watch televised “concerts” and Disney sing-a-longs during the pandemic. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

It may be true that your current job requires you to be in a specific place at a specific time, but you may not have this job forever. Or you could always start a side gig (what they call a side hustle these days) that could become your full-time gig one of these days. And there are a ton of other tips that could help you get organized and save you hours every day. I hope you’ll keep reading.

Look up @jasonwheelertv about four day work week

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